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width — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.View
Width of this View.
width — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.materials.SSAOBlur
width — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.objects.AxisAlignedSprite
width — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.objects.Sprite3D
width — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.shadows.DirectionalLightShadow
Width of shadow area (basics of bounbox).
willTrigger(type:String) — method, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type.
WireFrame — class, package alternativa.engine3d.objects
Wireframe is an Object3D which consists of solid lines.
WireFrame(color:uint, alpha:Number, thickness:Number) — Constructor, class alternativa.engine3d.objects.WireFrame
The constructor did not make any geometry, so if you need class instance - use static methods createLinesList(), createLineStrip() and createEdges() which return one.
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