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mapSize — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.shadows.DirectionalLightShadow
Set resolution of shadow map.
mapSize — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.shadows.OmniLightShadow
Set resolution of shadow map.
material — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.objects.AxisAlignedSprite
Material of a sprite.
material — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.objects.Sprite3D
Material of the Sprite3D.
material — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.objects.Surface
Material — class, package alternativa.engine3d.materials
Base class for all materials.
Material() — Constructor, class alternativa.engine3d.materials.Material
materials — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.loaders.Parser
List of all materials assigned to objects, that are got after parsing.
materials — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.objects.AnimSprite
List of materials.
matrix — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D
The matrix property represents a transformation matrix that determines the position and orientation of an Object3D.
maxDistance — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.materials.SSAOAngular
Height of the work volume, on which the falloff starts.
maxPitch — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.controllers.SimpleObjectController
The maximal slope in the vertical plane in radians.
maxX — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.BoundBox
Right face.
maxY — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.BoundBox
Ftont face.
maxZ — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.BoundBox
Top face.
Mesh — class, package alternativa.engine3d.objects
A polygonal object defined by set of vertices and surfaces built on this vertices.
middleClick — Event, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D
Dispatched when a user presses and releases the middle button of the user's pointing device over the same Object3D.
MIDDLE_CLICK — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.events.MouseEvent3D
Defines the value of the type property of a middleClick3D event object.
middleMouseDown — Event, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D
Dispatched when a user presses the middle pointing device button over an Object3D instance.
MIDDLE_MOUSE_DOWN — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.events.MouseEvent3D
Defines the value of the type property of a middleMouseDown3D event object.
middleMouseUp — Event, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D
Dispatched when a user releases the pointing device button over an Object3D instance.
MIDDLE_MOUSE_UP — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.events.MouseEvent3D
Defines the value of the type property of a middleMouseUp3D event object.
minPitch — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.controllers.SimpleObjectController
The minimal slope in the vertical plane in radians.
minSize — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Occluder
Minimal ratio of overlap area of viewport by occluder to viewport area.
minX — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.BoundBox
Left face.
minY — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.BoundBox
Back face.
minZ — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.BoundBox
Bottom face.
mode — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.materials.OutputEffect
MODE_COLOR — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Camera3D
In this mode camera will render usual color image without SSAO.
MODE_DEPTH — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Camera3D
This mode displays depth map which is z-buffer converted to grayscale.
MODE_NORMALS — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Camera3D
This mode displays normal map calculated in screen space.
MODE_RAW_DEPTH — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Camera3D
This mode represents z-buffer as it is stored with engine.
MODE_SSAO_COLOR — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Camera3D
This mode displays postprocessed image which is SSAO effect combined with usual color image.
MODE_SSAO_ONLY — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Camera3D
This mode displays pure SSAO effect.
mouseChildren — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D
Determines whether or not the children of the object are mouse, or user input device, enabled.
mouseDown — Event, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D
Dispatched when a user presses the pointing device button over an Object3D instance.
MOUSE_DOWN — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.events.MouseEvent3D
Defines the value of the type property of a mouseDown3D event object.
mouseEnabled — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D
Specifies whether this object receives mouse, or other user input, messages.
MouseEvent3D — class, package alternativa.engine3d.core.events
Event MouseEvent3D dispatches by Object3D, in cases when MouseEvent dispatches by DisplayObject.
MouseEvent3D(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, localX:Number, localY:Number, localZ:Number, relatedObject:alternativa.engine3d.core:Object3D, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean, buttonDown:Boolean, delta:int) — Constructor, class alternativa.engine3d.core.events.MouseEvent3D
Creates a MouseEvent3D object.
mouseMove — Event, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D
Dispatched when a user moves the pointing device while it is over an Object3D.
MOUSE_MOVE — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.events.MouseEvent3D
Defines the value of the type property of a mouseMove3D event object.
mouseOut — Event, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D
Dispatched when the user moves a pointing device away from an Object3D instance.
MOUSE_OUT — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.events.MouseEvent3D
Defines the value of the type property of a mouseOut3D event object.
mouseOver — Event, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D
Dispatched when the user moves a pointing device over an Object3D instance.
MOUSE_OVER — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.events.MouseEvent3D
Defines the value of the type property of a mouseOver3D event object.
mouseSensitivity — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.controllers.SimpleObjectController
Mouse sensitivity.
mouseUp — Event, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D
Dispatched when a user releases the pointing device button over an Object3D instance.
MOUSE_UP — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.events.MouseEvent3D
Defines the value of the type property of a mouseUp3D event object.
mouseWheel — Event, class alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D
Dispatched when a mouse wheel is spun over an Object3D instance.
MOUSE_WHEEL — Constant Static Property, class alternativa.engine3d.core.events.MouseEvent3D
Defines the value of the type property of a mouseWheel3D event object.
moveBack(value:Boolean) — method, class alternativa.engine3d.controllers.SimpleObjectController
Starts and stops move backward according to true or false was passed.
moveDown(value:Boolean) — method, class alternativa.engine3d.controllers.SimpleObjectController
Starts and stops move down according to true or false was passed.
moveForward(value:Boolean) — method, class alternativa.engine3d.controllers.SimpleObjectController
Starts and stops move forward according to true or false was passed.
moveLeft(value:Boolean) — method, class alternativa.engine3d.controllers.SimpleObjectController
Starts and stops move to left according to true or false was passed.
moveRight(value:Boolean) — method, class alternativa.engine3d.controllers.SimpleObjectController
Starts and stops move to right according to true or false was passed.
moveUp(value:Boolean) — method, class alternativa.engine3d.controllers.SimpleObjectController
Starts and stops move up according to true or false was passed.
multiplyBlend — Property, class alternativa.engine3d.materials.OutputEffect
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